3 Reasons a Content Theme will help you get better engagement!

3 Reasons a Content Theme will help you get better engagement!

If you ever feel confused about what you should be posting... it's probably because you don't have a content theme..

If you ever feel like your content is missing the mark... it's probably because you don't have a content theme...

If engagement for your content seems to be going in the wrong direction... it's probably because you didn't create a content theme!
Content categories, content buckets, pillars, and themes - are all the same very important thing... They are groups of content that you will build your social media strategy around, that your ideal client will love. 

A Content Theme: Why you need one and how to design yours!

 Watch the full video below: 


Three Reasons a Content Theme will help you make better, more engaging content for the right people! 

Content Theme Truth #1

It gives you a Plan – When it comes time to plan content, you have 3-5 content "buckets" to pull from so you're no longer staring at the "blank screen of doom" wondering what the heck to post today. You've already got topics to pull from. Watch the above video where we talk about how to create yours!  

Content Theme Truth #2

A content theme will target your message, so you attract the right people every time you post. We talk about exactly how to do this in the replay. You should watch it ;) 

Content Theme Truth #3

A content theme will improve your Creativity – Without so many shiny objects and distractions, it will be easier to focus more on the specifics of your content. Having themes to pick from makes it easy each time you need to come up with something new or repurpose something you've used before!


In short, ✨a content theme is your blueprint for how you will serve your ideal client with your social media content.✨ It's what they can expect from you when they hit that "Follow", "Like", or "Subscribe" button! 

Still not sure about your content theme? Don't worry, we tell you exactly how to fix it in the replay! Or you can take our full Masterclass on designing a Content Theme here for free!

Comment below to let us know what niche you're in and what your Content Theme is!

-Julie & Jess

Two women on a mission to help you clear the chaos and craft your dream business!

Need more help? We got you! Here are 4 ways we can start working together today!

👉 Download the FREE Your Social Plan and treat yourself to some done-for-you (DFY) posts!  https://www.sociallyinclined.com/free-calendar

👉 Start your Your Social Plan membership today to get 3 posts scheduled for you every single day! https://www.sociallyinclined.com/your-social-plan

👉 Learn how to write AHHHmazing content that attracts your people and gets them to buy! Become an Academy Member and join us for a PRICELESS weekly Content Class! Learn more here. https://www.sociallyinclined.com/offers/UqJZthzE/checkout 

👉 Need step-by-step instruction, how-tos, and tutorials on some of the most important tasks you need to grow your business online? Get access to Take Action Training here https://www.sociallyinclined.com/takeaction

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Julie Herndon & Jessica Hetherington

Two women on a mission to help you clear the chaos and craft your dream business!

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