Better Content 101

Content is the cornerstone of traffic! This Content Class is the first class in our "Content Class Series" from the Socially Inclined Success Club... Formerly SI Academy. 

It focuses on a seemingly simple subject but a very powerful one when tackled correctly. Sharing the most important tip and relating it to how it can help them can open doors to create some amazing content that will build know, like, and trust with your audience but also help them overcome something they may be struggling with. 

You will often find many of your followers coming to you with a concern about focusing on the most important thing they should know. Many of them will know that they need to understand many different concepts, but they want to start with the vital things in the very beginning. Much of this stems from their desire to avoid taking any missteps at the start of their journey. In just about every niche, there is one hard and fast rule that everyone should know and understand. 

You can find these lessons as the main topic of many different books in your niche. You can look in forums and see the same questions being asked again and again, or the same advice being offered repeatedly. You can use your own experience to look back on your journey and think about what you wish you had known from the very beginning. 

Watch here!

Below are some niche examples to help you get started: 

If you are in the dieting niche, you might come up with a slant such as, “The Single Most Important Things You Can Do to Lose Weight.” One of the most obvious tips we see in the diet niche is that you have to drink enough water. So your content might detail the importance of drinking plenty of water when they are trying to lose weight. It can talk about the amount of water they should drink, how drinking a glass of water before meals helps them eat fewer calories, and more.

If you are in the success niche, you might come up with a slant such as, “The #1 Mindset Shift You Need to Make to Succeed.” One of the things you may have witnessed in your own journey, either by others or even yourself, is that a lack of confidence can hold people back from putting themselves out there as a niche leader. Therefore, your number one tip could be to work on their level of confidence so that they can project themselves appropriately as experts in their field and lead their niche without hesitation.

If you are in the survival niche, you might come up with an angle such as, “The #1 Most Important Survival Supply You Need.” Many people who are not experienced preppers automatically think about food when it comes to survival purposes. But you can surprise them by explaining to them how water is the most important supply they should stock up on. Teach them how they can live longer without food than they can without hydration. You can also use your content to teach them about how to store water for long-term purposes, including adding bleach or water purifying drops, which containers they should use, and where it should be stored. 

As you can see this top tip or strategy can be quite a powerful prompt for creating some great content. 

P.S. Need more help? We got you! 

  • Download the FREE Your Social Plan and treat yourself to some done-for-you (DFY) posts! 
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  • Learn how to write AHHHmazing content that attracts your people and gets them to buy! Become an Academy Member and join us for a PRICELESS weekly Content Class! Learn more here.
  • Need step-by-step instruction, how-tos, and tutorials on some of the most important tasks you need to grow your business online? Get access to Take Action Training here.
  • Apply to work with us one-on-one and let's accomplish your biggest goal with a 3-hour work sprint! Apply here.