Marketing Minute Blog

The Foolproof Way to Get Around Facebook’s Page Algorithm

The Foolproof Way to Get Around Facebook’s Page...

Julie Herndon

In February of 2018, Facebook announced plans to prioritize personal content and de-prioritize content from pages.​That means that if you’ve got a Facebook page for your local business, your content...

The Foolproof Way to Get Around Facebook’s Page...

Julie Herndon

In February of 2018, Facebook announced plans to prioritize personal content and de-prioritize content from pages.​That means that if you’ve got a Facebook page for your local business, your content...

Why Maintaining Your Website is a Must

Why Maintaining Your Website is a Must

Julie Herndon

As a business owner, you’ve got to wear many hats in the course of a day. You might be a salesperson one minute and a human resources manager the next....

Why Maintaining Your Website is a Must

Julie Herndon

As a business owner, you’ve got to wear many hats in the course of a day. You might be a salesperson one minute and a human resources manager the next....

7 Great Topic Ideas to Use in Your Facebook Group!

7 Great Topic Ideas to Use in Your Facebook Group!

Julie Herndon

You started your Facebook group because you understood the potential power of this social media powerhouse. You also understand that any social media site requires frequent and regular engagement. So,...

7 Great Topic Ideas to Use in Your Facebook Group!

Julie Herndon

You started your Facebook group because you understood the potential power of this social media powerhouse. You also understand that any social media site requires frequent and regular engagement. So,...

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